
The story-box 

To tell a story with humor, suspense and sometimes also with philosophical depth has been always one of the preferred means of transmission from generation to generation in all civilizations. 

This is of course as well the case in the Jewish tradition. Less known sources for texts of short stories are books and numerous newspapers of the Jewish press published since the 19th century. The AIU digital library offers you an ever-growing number of those. 

In order to help you find the short stories scattered in different Jewish journals for decades, we have looked for them and gathered them in this page. 

They are free for you to discover, to read, share, … and of course to tell! 


Find the short stories in our digital collections 

List of short stories 


This page has been created on the occasion of the Journée européenne de la culture et du patrimonie juif 2018 (European Day of Jewish Culture and Heritage 2018), which had the theme “To Tell”. It is dedicated to Ms. Rose Lévyne, librarian at the AIU, who always liked to find stories in our collection.