
The Saga of the Alliance

A program by Georges Bensoussan, hosted by Ariel Danan.

For 18 months Ariel Danan interviewed historian Georges Bensoussan, author of L’Alliance israélite universelle (1860-2020) : Juifs d’Orient, Lumières d’Occident, Albin Michel, 2020. 

This is an opportunity to reflect on the achievements of the AIU and the beginning of its creation, which took place in 1860, a particularly tense anti-Jewish period, both in the East (Damascus affair in 1840) and in the West (Mortara affair in 1858). Through its network of modern schools stretching from Morocco to Persia, it has contributed to the emancipation of Jewish communities as well as to the modernization of their home countries. Georges Bensoussan analyzes the complex history of relations between Europe, the Muslim world and the Jews. 

You can find the broadcasts of these programs in our digital library. 

Georges Bensoussan, a historian, is the author of d’Une histoire intellectuelle et politique du sionisme (Fayard, 2002) as well as Juifs en pays arabes. Le grand déracinement 1850-1975 (Tallandier, 2012). 

Ariel Danan, a historian, director of the AIU Cultural Department and columnist on Radio J, is the author of Les Juifs de France et l’Etat d’Israël (Honoré Champion, 2014).