The Image Comparator

The digital library of the Alliance Israélite Universelle lets you to view two documents side by sideenabling a better way to compare the documents. Start by choosing which documents you want to work on. Follow then the next steps. 


Open the comparison menu, by clicking on the comparator icon below (here circled above in red). Click on + Ajoutez cette image au comparateurThen do the same with the second document you want to compare and click on Ouvrir le comparateurYou will then arrive to the following page :

This is the comparison manager. Click on compare in order to show effectively both images side by side. The other options available are :

  • A search engine on the left side to find other documents to compare. 
  • Clicking the cross (circled in red) above of every document removes it from the comparator.  
  • Supprimer/Delete : allows to fully empty the comparator. .

The comparator itself looks like this :

The arrows on the side of each image allow to pass through the pages of the two documents simultaneously. You can desynchronize this by clicking on the icon of document with a padlock on the same page on the upper right side. To desynchronize the zoom, you click on the magnifying glass with a padlock above. 

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