
Fire of the Bazar de la Charité

While the fire of the Bazar de la Charité on the 4th of May 1897 is remembered in a historical TV series, a deep dive into our digital library allows you to rediscover the reactions of the press after this tragedy. Particularly three issues from the Archives Israélites de France followed this dramatic event: 

Later, following the fire at the Théâtre Françaisthe Archives Israélites de France, in their issue of March 15th, 1900, naturally drew a parallel between the two disasters and presented Mr. Drumont’s reactions to these catastrophes: 

In the Journal L’Univers Israélite, which is not fully digitalized yet, you can find four interesting articles about this event 


For more information on the consequences of the this fire, you can also come and consult on site our documents, particularly Nationalismeantisémitisme et fascisme en France by Michel Winock, who devotes one chapter on this subject (entitled “Un avant-goût de l’apocalypse : l’incendie du bazar de la charité” – ‘A foretaste of the apocalypse: the fire of the Bazar de la Charité’), as well as the autobiography of Baron Hirsch, Le Moïse des Amériques by Dominique Frischer, which informs us that a donation from the baroness of Hirsch following this drama led to the review on L’Autorité to publish an article entitled “Trop, trop de juifs” – ‘Far too many Jews’. 

Whereas in the end, our documents seem to show that there were only few Jewish victims, the anti-semitic responses to this drama were very present, from Drumont to De Cassagnac.