
Credits and bibliography 

This exposition was the result of the research carried out by Martino Opizzi, doctor in contemporary history, University of Paris 8, during an internship between the months of February and March 2018. We are thankful to Mr. Carlo Uzan, who made his photographic archives available; to the archives of the AIU; and to Mr. Jean Claude Kuperminc, director of the library and archives of the Alliance, who accepted to carry out the digitalization of the sources. The support of Jean-Pierre Riom, multimedia technician, and of Amoury Toulouse, librarian, was essential to complete the work. Special gratitude goes as well to Mr. Renato Benasson and Ms. Marcella Morpurgo, whose help was indispensable for the contextualization of the photos studied 

The original pictures still lay in the hands of Uzan Family.



ALBERTI RUSSEL, Janice, The Italian community in Tunisia, 1861-1961. A viable minority, Columbia University, 1977. 

BENBASSA Esther (sous la direction de), Mémoires juives d'Espagne et du Portugal, Paris, Publisud, 1996. 

BESSIS, Juliette, La Méditerranée fasciste, Paris, Editions Karthala, 1980. 

BOCCARA, Elia, La saga des sépharades portugais. Tunis : un havre pour les familles fuyant l’Inquisition, Paris, Ed. TCHOU, 2012. 

COHEN-TANNOUDJI, Denis (coordonné par), Entre Orient et Occident – Juifs et Musulmans en Tunisie, Paris, Editions de l’éclat, 2007. 

LEVY, Lionel, La Nation juive portugaise. Amsterdam, Livourne, Tunis. 1591-1951, Paris, L’Harmattan, 1999. 

RAINERO, Romain, Les Italiens dans la Tunisie contemporaine, Paris, Editions Publisud, 2002. 

SEBAG, Paul, Histoire des juifs de Tunisie : des origines à nos jours, Paris, L’Harmattan, 1991. 

SEBAG, Paul, Tunis, Histoire d’une ville, Paris, L’Harmattan, 1998. 

TARTAKOWSKY, Ewa, Les Juifs et le Maghreb. Fonctions sociales d'une littérature d'exil, Tours, Presses Universitaires François Rabelais, coll. « Migrations », 2016. 

ZYTNICKI, Colette, Les juifs du Maghreb, naissance d’une historiographie coloniale, Paris, PUPS, 2011.