

This exhibition was produced by Zhor Rehihil, curator of the Museum of Moroccan Judaism in Casablanca and by Ariel Danan, Jean-Claude Kuperminc from the Alliance Israélite Universelle. It was put online by Jean-Pierre Riom and Amaury Toulouse.  

JECPJ France 

The association “Journées Européennes de la Culture et du Patrimoine Juifs en France" (JECPJ -France, European Days of Jewish Culture and Heritage in France) brings together Communes of France, Institutions and Associations in order to promote the development of Jewishimmovable, movable and cultural heritage. Its purpose is purely cultural. It is therefore secular and open to all. The JECPJ-France has a College of Mayors in France, whose President is statutory vice-president of the JECPJ-France. 

It coordinates the European Days of Jewish Culture in France and is in charge of creating and managing the French part of the European Route of Jewish Heritage, created with support of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe. 

In 2017 the topic chosen throughout Europe was “Diasporas”.